A divorce can be costly, especially when you have children and property involved. Fortunately, you can take a few steps to save money on an expensive divorce. These are a few things you can do.
1. Search for a Compassionate Attorney
Divorce and custody battles are going on all over the country. In Tennessee, for example, 43% of residents have gone through a challenging family law proceeding. The key to saving money in a situation like this is to find a compassionate lawyer willing to work with you on the bill. You can use several strategies to do so.
First, you can search for legal services and request a pro bono attorney. Pro bono lawyers are experts who allot some of their time to helping people like you for no charge. Some do it to earn more credentials and experience. At the same time, others do it to give back to the community. You can also seek a lawyer that accepts installment payments for representation. That will relieve you of some of the stress involved in paying for legal help.
2. Sign up for Representation Through Your Job
Some employers offer legal representation for a small monthly fee. You can check with your establishment to see if they provide such services. The attorney you speak to may be able to assist you with your divorce case for a fraction of the cost. At the very least, this person can point you in the direction of another reliable attorney. The monthly fee will be well worth it in the end.
3. Chip in Yourself
You can save some of the cost of legal fees by doing some legwork yourself. You don’t have to be a legal expert to gather documents, speak with witnesses, or communicate with your spouse about custodial and visitation arrangements. The less work a lawyer has to do, the more money you will save. This concept is genuine unless your lawyer has a flat rate structure. In that case, doing the work yourself won’t help. However, it can be an immense money-saving tool if the attorney has an hourly pay structure.
4. Reduce Daycare Expenses
Another area where you can save money is childcare expenses. For example, you can send your kids to a public preschool instead of paying a babysitter to watch them while you work. That plan can save you hundreds of dollars if your work schedule coincides with your kids’ daycare center. More than 1.5 million kids went to preschool just this year alone. Thus, it’s a popular choice many parents make for their budgets and to give their kids a chance at early development. Preschool can teach your little ones how to get along well with others and learn in a structured environment. You’ll want to be the driving force contributing to your child’s future success in that way.
5. Be Smart With Your Children’s Healthcare
Be wise when it comes to your children’s healthcare. Visit the doctor the first time your child has a fever, vomits, or has diarrhea. Many illnesses can progress rapidly, and you’ll want to do whatever you can to stop one in its tracks.
Ensure that you take your child to the dentist at an early age is also crucial to his or her health. The experts say you should take your baby to the dentist before six months have passed since the first tooth emerges. This will allow the dentist to examine the child’s mouth to look for any abnormalities. The provider can help you avoid any additional abnormalities by administering treatment immediately. Being proactive in this matter will keep your kid on the right foot when it comes to dental care. It can also prevent future tooth problems that get costly for adults.
Divorce can be emotional and expensive. Luckily, there are ways to ease the emotional stress that divorce can cause. Use these tips and think of creative new ways to save even more money. You’ll be glad you took the time to do so!