The Collections Etc. the catalog is a unique catalog of home decoration/furniture catalog. Many items in the Collections Etc. catalog cost $ 14.99 or less. You will find excellent values in the Collections Etc. catalog for seasonal items, home decoration, gardening accessories, clothing, toys, and jewelry. You can find sale and settlement items as well. The Collections Etc. catalog is also a gift catalog that sells a wide selection of books, collectibles, and fragrances. Collections Etc. is owned by Winston Brands, based in Elk Grove Village, Illinois, which launched the first Collections Etc. catalog in 1997. You can order catalog items online by entering the item number and quantity by clicking Quick Order Catalog.
Why the need of catalog:
Collection Etc catalog contain detail of all the product which are available online, so if you have not much time to review all the product on the website you can request for the Collection Etc catalog. As website have a huge list of home decor and gift items
Don’t forget to review more free catalogs which can be requested via email such as Lakeside collection, ltd commodities, Ballard design, Pottery barn, & Frontgate catalog.
How to Request a Collections Etc. Catalog
It is easy to put a request for the Collections Etc. Catalog. One can do by browsing the website of Collections Etc. Catalog. Once the site gets opened one need to click on request catalog link which is present at the bottom of the page. Once you click a form gets opened and there one has to fill their information. It asks for name, email id, mailing address, city, state, and zip code.
Once you enter all the information and click on submit you get a mail in your inbox. You have to confirm the mail. After confirmation of mail, you will get the Collections Etc. Catalog within next 10 to 15 days. You want to view the catalog earlier then you can do it by downloading catalog from the website directly.
Don’t forget to subscribe to their newsletter
If you are a regular customer of the store then you must aware about the update at the store. You can remain updated by getting the newsletter of the company. To get it you have to subscribe to their newsletter. Once you subscribe for their newsletter, you get regular updates in your inbox.
Points to remember while requesting a catalog
- If you are a citizen of USA only then you can get the Collections Etc. Catalog. If you are not a citizen of USA and want to see the Collections Etc. Catalog then you can view it online only
- The catalog can be received within 10 to 15 days.
- At one mailing address, one can get only one catalog
- If you need 2 catalogs then you have to use another mailing address
- At the same address, you can apply for the 2nd catalog only once you received the first one.
- You can also review the catalog item online at the website of the company
- If you fill any of information wrong then you will not get the catalog
- Collection Etc catalog is free of cost and one need not pay anything for it. To get it you just have to fill online form at the website
- This catalog cannot be sent worldwide and if you want to get it you must have a mailing address of USA
It is one of the best catalog for home decor and gift items which contain detailed of all items which one can get from the websites or store.