Craigslist is the favorite place for buyers and sellers for local deals whether it is a physical product or a service. But you might not aware that you can find free stuff on Craigslist. This article is all about how to find free stuff on craigslist. You will be amazed to see some of the good products are listed under the free category. I have seen furniture, T.V, dresser, video games and many other times which you can’t expect but they are available in free.
So if you need any product in free you can easily search on craigslist. If the item is in good condition you can save your money.
How to search free stuff on Craiglist list?
There are two ways of Searching the free stuff on craigslist.
Navigate free stuff on Craigslist website
- Visit the website and select the country and city where you reside.
- Now select the nearest location of your city like if you have selected new york then your sub selection could be Manhattan, Queens, and long island.
- Once you have selected the nearest location now you can search the category listed as free.
- Click on that and you would be able to see all the products that are free.
- Now there is search bar you can directly search your desired item. Or you can also use other search option available on the left side column.
- Contact the person and get the more details about the product. As I have noticed in free stuff very fewer details are available.
Search Directly through Google Search bar
You can also search free stuff directly feeding your query to google search bar. But please make sure that you feed the correct keywords as won’t get the desired result. Below given search patterns can give you better results
- Craigslist free stuff “specific location” E.g Craigslist free stuff in long island
2. Craigslist free stuff near me. This will automatically pull the results based on your searched location.
Google search is a quite tricky part as you need to provide the right keyword incorrect pattern to get the better the results.