The answer to this question is by no means simple. It is more complicated because the answer is mostly subjective and depends on what our native language is.
The answer for one may be wholly irrational and unstable for another. This problem can occur even in speakers of the same mother tongue. An English speaker can learn the Korean language relatively quickly while having a difficult time with the Japanese. With another English, the opposite may be the case.
Our mother tongue Although no language is easy to learn; those closest to your mother tongue will be easier for you. For example, an Englishman will have less difficulty learning languages of German origin than those who do not.
Languages that have similar writing systems often have a common vocabulary and borrowed words. This reduces the difficulty and the time it takes to get fluent.
Greek is undoubtedly a difficult language to master, with its complex grammatical rules and its alphabet. However, learning the basics of this language is possible. The structure of simple sentences is the same as in English, while many English words have been incorporated into the Greek language (“telephone” for example). You must follow specific steps to familiarize yourself with the basic rules of Greek Language Learning, understand simple texts and conversations.
Study the alphabet. The Greek alphabet consists of 24 letters, most of which sound similar to their Latin alphabet counterparts: for example, O (omicron) is used roughly the same, but the letter B (vita) produces the sound of the Letter V in English.
Accentuate the words in the vowel with the accent marked above it. It is like an apostrophe, located above the vowels. Once you’ve learned the sound of each letter, reading a text will become natural, even if you still can’t understand the meaning.
Form sentences using the active voice construction subject + verb + object and the opposite for the passive. The passive voice is not formed using auxiliary verbs; Each category of verbs (the verbs are grouped according to their last syllable or accentuation) has its inactive form, so you must study each of them separately.
Use punctuation marks in the same way you would in English, with some exceptions. For example, the semicolon is the question mark of the Greek. Where you would use a semicolon in English, the Greeks use a sign called “ano telia,” a superior pause.
Practice the different genres of adjectives. Each noun can be masculine, feminine or neutral, and adjectives (as well as articles) must be adapted. For example, in English you say “the good father” and “the good mother,” but in Greek, the word for “good” is changed from “Kalos” to “kali,” depending on whether the noun it refers to is male or female.
Read children’s books in Greek, or practice your basic Greek knowledge through the Greek language lessons on the BBC (see resources). Your biggest challenge at this point will be to learn advanced grammar rules and vocabulary.
Talk with Greek friends or family, as well as read bilingual texts and texts in Greece, which can help you learn the language faster.
Modern Greek has only one accent symbol. If you find a text with more than one symbol, you are reading either ancient Greek or “Katharevousa,” old and more complex forms of language.