We would like to think that it is safe to be able to browse the web and click on any single slots site out there, playing it with the confidence that it is legal to do so. Some of us have probably never even considered the legality towards what they are doing when it comes to online slots, and that’s because we tend to have a relative confidence in the safety of what we are doing.
But is this always the case? Is every online slots site that we find on the internet perfectly legal to use? The short answer is, unfortunately, a big no. But fear not, there are a lot of things going around that stop us from accessing any illegal sites, so the chances are you will not get in any legal trouble for playing new online slots games.
There’s no harm in getting yourself clued up on the legalities around online casinos, however. So, stick with us as we take a look at what it means to be an illegal online slots site, and how we are protected from accessing these sites.
How Can an Online Slots Site be Illegal?
Legally, online slots sites must have a license to do business in the country it is attempting to operate in. In the UK, for example, an online casino sit must have permission from the UK Gambling Commission to do business, and if it does not have this, it will be banned in the UK.
You can check out whether a slot game has a license from the UK Gambling Commission with a quick Google search, or even by checking out the ‘About’ section on the casino site itself.
What Stops Us from Accessing Illegal Slots Sites?
Luckily, most web browsers will track your IP address to find out where you are, and block all websites that are illegal. Because of this, it is highly unlikely that you will ever end up gambling illegally. Still, it is better to be safe than sorry, so we always recommend taking five minutes to do your homework on this just in case.
Am I Going to Get Arrested for Playing Online Slots?
The only ways in which you might find yourself in a spot of legal trouble for playing online slots, realistically, is if you are underage in the country that you are playing in (remember, the legal gambling age varies from country to country so make sure that you check up on local laws if you are travelling and gambling at a young age), or if gambling is flat out illegal in the country you are visiting, so have a look at this too.
Again, it is likely that web browsers will check your IP address and block you from gambling illegally if you are travelling, but this is not always the case so make sure that you keep an eye on it. If you stay vigilant and safe, you will be fine. So, keep on top of things, have fun and good luck!