Do you know most of the household and personal items on which we spend lots of money can be found free of cost? It would be hard to believe but it is true there are lots of companies who distribute free stuff online to the people in order to promote their product. And it includes a huge list of items like baby products, Cosmetic, Fast food, household cleaners, and Clothing.
If you are one of those who are in search of free stuff online then this article will definitely helpful for you. In our freebies section, we always try to bring something new to our readers. Which helps them to save money by getting quality items in free. In this article, we are going discuss lots of good websites who provide free stuff to the people.
Following are the Websites for free stuff
1. Gofreebies
This website is a directory of freebies or in other words, we can consider this a Hub of freebies. They have many categories for free stuff like Babies & Kids, Food, Health & Beauty, Magazine, and Pet stuff. Apart from this they also have freebie sites. Through this tab, you can search lots of other websites who are listed with them for free stuff. For applying freebies you may need to qualify for the survey. This is the procedure through which advertiser decide that you are the perfect person for their product.
2. 2000 Freebies
Here you will find discounted products and freebies both. The website name itself explains that they tons of advertiser link to them who offers free stuff online for promotion. They have some unique categories which you won’t find with other websites. E.g free software, antivirus, prescription drugs, stop smoking stuff and Birthday freebies.
3 Woman Freebies
Most of the free items on this website only for women but it does not mean they don’t’ have anything for the male. you will find some food items like Pizza, pickles, and burger in free samples category. But still, this is a good place for women to test out cosmetic products, Lingerie, and sanitary napkins.
4. Get it Free
Perfect place for those who want to get free almost all kinds of items. the website is full of freebies, discount coupons, deals, and sweepstakes. In freebies, they have cosmetic, perfumes, dog food, and photo prints. Their discounted and sweepstakes section is also very lucrative. You can win $20000 cash price, a laptop and a free subscription of Netflix for a year.
5. Freeflys
Freefly is a renowned website who provide free samples and coupons. Their major category is food, beauty, children, and health samples. They also provide samples without attempting any surveys. Apart from these they also provide free Walmart and makeup samples. you need to create an account before claiming any freebies.
6. Free Stuff
Here you will find the enormous amount of free stuff online along with this you would also get a chance to explore Free gift cards, Great deals, and sweepstakes. you can also subscribe their newsletter through this you can keep track of all the upcoming freebies. They have some unique categories which are rare like the wedding, cell phones, gaming console, computers and sports goods, But almost everyone required a survey and you need to qualify to claim your item. This might not be easy as compared to other freebies website but it’s worth trying. As they are legit and giving free stuff online.
7. Free
A pretty good website for freebie lovers. Their stores include beauty, health, household, pet, and food samples. Websites not only deals in free samples but also provide household and restaurant coupon. Data of websites get updated in every 24 hours. Which not let you end up with an obsolete freebie. Which you have encountered with most of the website.
It is also one of the best places for the hunt of free stuff online and here not only through category but you can search your item directly with the search option. They have good categories like Female hygiene, health products, cosmetics, pets, books, and magazine.
9. Free Things
Another great website to save money and find free stuff online. Most of their items are related to new born babies but they also have other categories like beauty, food, clothing, and sticker. So if you have new born kids at home this website could be the best place to find kids and babies items. You can search the item through category or directly to the search bar.
10. Sweet Free Stuff
Most of their categories are similar with other freebies website. But some are really cool like Digital , birthday and money. In digital, you will find a wide variety of games and music downloads of the famous artist. In money section, you will surveys which can give you from $5 to $75. They also have lots of reward programs listed under this category.