Not every defendant is guilty of the crime for which they have been accused and put to jail. It is essential to free these defendants from prison and get in touch with an ace lawyer to represent them legally at the court. The bail agents are essential for defendants who can’t pay the amount all by themselves.
In the bail bond business, bail bond agencies and bail bondsman play a crucial part. Often the terms get used synonymously, without realizing that there is a difference. Every state has got its strict laws that decide how the bail bond agencies and bail bondsman will function. The needs always keep differing.
What is a bail bond agency?
The bail bond agencies or companies refer to businesses which have many agents employed at their end. They pay the bail amount to free defendants from the jail and place them into custody. The judge fixes the bail amount. Even if the defendant is opting in for a bail bond agency, he/she or his/her family needs to pay 10% of the bail amount. The remaining 90% is funded by the bail bond agency, which the defendant needs to clear at the end of the legal case settlement.
Generally, the bail bond agencies restrict their services to people they think they can take the risk for! To know more about this, you can get in touch with
Who is a bail bondsman?
A professional bail bondsman, who has the service license, performs the same function like a bail bond company. Usually, the bail bondsman is a representative of a specific agency branch. However, there are few states where commercial bonding, which is posting bail bonds for profits, is considered illegal. Here you need to exercise caution before you decide to say yes to a bail bondsman.
The bail hearings
The moment a court decides for a bail hearing, it determines the amount of bail that’s applicable for a chosen case. Courts have the discretion to allow or not allow the bail, under the guidance of state law. Various aspects determine bail amounts:
- The fight risks
Few defendants come with an increased risk than others! If the court analyzes the records of the defendants and fights their track record questionably, they can withhold the bail amount as well.
- The family obligations
Generally, the courts tend to declare a reduced bail amount when they find that the defendant is the only earning member in his/her family. That way, the court understands the already existing financial stress the defendant is facing.
- Assessing community associations
It is essential for the court to analyze the community connections a person has. If he/she has a local business or a good reputation socially, the court can stay rest assured that he/she will not suddenly escape from the court hearings and the legal process altogether.
- The criminal track records
Generally, people that have a criminal history and have not made regular court appearances are subjected to an increased bail amount.
These are some of the aspects that you need to know when you are opting in for a bail bond agency or bail bondsman. When you know better about the bail hearings as well, you can likely expect the consequences.